Helminth infection prevalence. Tricocefaloză


    Material and method: The study was performed on 84 patients aged years with a mean of 9.

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    Helminth infection was determined by stool examinations and questionnaire. Asthma was diagnosed by spirometry, atopic dermatitis and allergic rhino-conjunctivitis by skin prick testing.

    Helminth infection prevalence Stool examinations revealed infection with A.

    The most frequent respiratory symptoms were caught, wheezing and dispneea. Spirometry showed anormal results in 4.

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    A history of infection with E. Conclusions: Current A.

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    Interactions depend on the type of helminth and time of infestation. Wheezing, allergy and parasite infection in children in urban and rural Ethiopia.

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    Lau S, Matricardi PM. Worms, asthma and the hygiene hypothesis. Lancet– Reduced risk of atopy among school-age children infected with geohelminth parasites in a rural area of the tropics.

    Se estimează că peste un miliard de persoane sunt purtători de Trichuris pe toată planeta, inclusiv mai mult de de milioane de copii de vârstă preșcolară și mai mult de de milioane de helminth infection prevalence școlarizați de ani [25] [26]. Grupa de vârstă cea mai afectată este ani, dar este întâlnit și la copii mai mici. Cel puțin 27 milioane copii de vârstă școlară sunt infectați în Africa Subsahariană, 36 milioane în India, 42 milioane în China, 39 milioane în America Latină și Caraibe [22].

    J Allergy Clin Immunol ; – Negative association of E vermicularis infestation with asthma and rhinitis in primary school children in Taipei. Clin Exp Allergy ; – Allergy helminth infection prevalence – In search of childhood asthma: questionnaire, tests of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and clinical evaluation.

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    Thorax ; helminth infection prevalence Prevalences and risk factors of intestinal parasites in Cuban children. Trop Helminth infection prevalence Internat Health ; – Two cases of eosinophilic gastroenteritis and malabsorption due to Enterobius vermicularis. Dig Dis Sci ; – The relation between gastroesophageal reflux and respiratory symptoms in a population-based study.

    Chest ; – Worldwide variations in the prevalence of symptoms of atopic eczema in the international study of asthma and allergies helminth infection prevalence childhood.

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