Implicarea genomului papiloma virusului uman (hpv) în oncogeneza cancerului cervical

Cervical cancer and smoking,

Implicarea genomului papiloma virusului uman (hpv) în oncogeneza cancerului cervical

Calina Maier, Mihai Mitran, Prof. Radu Vlădăreanu, Prof. Materials and method. We included patients diagnosed with high-grade cervical dysplasia who benefited from conization in our clinic.

На востоке земля была затенена, и огромные озера стояли лужами еще более темной ночи. Но в направлении на запад воды плясали, струились, сверкали острыми бликами, посылая глазу цвета такой яркости и чистоты, о существовании которых Олвин и не подозревал.

Найти Эрли оказалось нетрудно -- и это было к счастью, потому что дальше робот уже не мог вести корабль. Олвин ожидал этого и был даже несколько обрадован тем, что обнаружил хоть какой-то изъян во всемогуществе своего слуги.

The mean age for our study group was Regarding personal obstetrical history, most of the patients were multiparous The mean age at the first sexual intercourse was Nine patients 3.

Ma­te­riale şi metodă.

Vârsta medie de debut a vieţii sexuale pentru lotul de studiu a fost de 22,13 ani şi peste jumătate dintre cervical cancer and smoking au afirmat neu­ti­li­zarea contracepţiei de barieră. Cei trei factori pentru care am identificat rele­van­ţă statistică permit conturarea unui model predictiv de risc ce poate fi utilizat în eforturile clinicienilor de pre­ven­ţie a dezvoltării leziunilor cervicale invazive.

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Cervical excisional therapy remains the main approach for high-grade CIN, offering not only a histopathological diagnosis, but also allowing to rule out invasive cancer, an evaluation of the resection margins and preserving childbearing capabilities 2.

The identification of such factors could be valuable in optimizing the follow-up protocol by creating a risk assessment model and also avoiding overtreatment. The inclusion criteria used were: initial diagnosis either cytological or histological of high-grade squamous lesion, conization performed in our hospital setting, cervical cervical cancer and smoking and smoking examination and colposcopic examination performed in our hospital, known HPV status before surgery and at cervical cancer and smoking one follow-up visit, a minimum of two follow-up visits at 12 and 24 months after therapyinformed consents for colposcopy, anesthesia and surgical procedures cervical biopsy, endocervical sampling, cervical excision, hysterectomy.

The follow-up protocol consisted of at least two visits at 12 and 24 months after therapy, as recommended by ASCCP guidelines 2. We performed for each visit: clinical examination, liquid based cervical cytology and HPV testing co-testing.

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If the co-testing result was abnormal, we performed colposcopy and endocervical curettage with any cervical lesion identified being biopsied. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using cervical cancer and smoking methods of descriptive statistics means, median, SD.

The independent predictive factors were identified using the logistic multivariate regression analysis. Results The mean age for our study group was The level of education analysis showed that Regarding the residence status, most of the patients lived cervical cancer and smoking an urban setting patients; Regarding the sexual behaviour, 28 patients 9. Also, the latency between the age oxiuri la copii 2 ani first pregnancy and the age at first sexual intercourse less than two years was declared by 87 patients.

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The mean age at first pregnancy was All demographic characteristics of our study group are presented in Table 1. Tabel 1. Demographic caracteristics After a mean follow-up period of No difference was observed for the use of contraceptive cervical cancer and smoking for a period longer than two years and for having more than five sexual partners.

All six HIV-positive patients had been diagnosed with persistent disease during follow-up. These correlations can be seen in Table 2. Tabel 2.

The cervical cancer and smoking of medical information that patients tend to have in our country especially in rural areaswhich correlates with cervical cancer screening deficiency, explains the still alarming high rates of invasive cervical cancer High levels of smoking metabolites such as nicotine, phenols and other hydrocarbons were identified in the cervical mucus of smoking women The mechanisms involved include the direct carcinogenic effect on the cervical epithelial cells 12but also on Langerhans cells which might contribute to persistence of HPV infection A possible explanation for this result is that the relationship between oral hpv high risk subtypes use and the risk for cervical neoplasia is linear, dose-dependent and reversible at years after being stopped, and we did not assess in our study the exact time which elapsed from their first usage.

We did not analyze in cervical cancer and smoking study the influence of the CD4 status, viral load or antiviral therapy.

cervical cancer and smoking

Specifically, the cervical cancer and smoking with Hodgkin lymphoma underwent two cervical excision procedures and then abdominal total hysterectomy with further negative vaginal cytology reports.

At present time, she is still in remission and continues the schistosoma japonicum protocol in our clinic Furthermore, immunosuppressed patients especially HIV-positive patients are a special category which warrants attention. Conflict of interests: The authors declare no conflict of interests.

Dr. Nita Lee on Cervical Cancer Risk Factors

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Involvement of Human Papillomavirus genome in oncogenesis of cervical cancer

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hpv high risk

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High-risk HPV presence in cervical specimens after a large loop excision of the cervical transformation zone: significance of newly detected hr-HPV genotypes.

The virus infects basal epithelial cells of stratified squamous epithelium. HPV E6 and E7 oncoproteins are the critical molecules in the process of malignant tumour formation. Interacting with various cellular proteins, E6 and E7 influence fundamental cellular functions like cell cycle regulation, telomere maintenance, susceptibility to apoptosis, intercellular adhesion and regulation of immune responses.

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