Papillomavirus intervention laser


    papillomavirus intervention laser

    Histol Histopathol ; 34 9 :Sep. Article En MEDLINE ID: mdl Absorbable atelo-collagen type 1 represents a new approach for guided bone regeneration with several reported advantages such as: osteoblast attachment, proliferation, mineralization potential, absorption of growth factors and inhibition of bacterial pathogen colonization. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical, radiological preoperative width, re-entry width, gainPeriotest measurements and histologic benefits of atelo-collagen-derived bovine bone papillomavirus intervention laser ImploBone in combination with an atelo-collagen type I barrier membrane ImploSorb for guided bone regeneration GBR of atrophic alveolar crest in thirteen patients.

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    Eleven patients underwent simultaneous GBR with implant insertion, two had initial GBR procedure followed by implant placement after papillomavirus intervention laser months of healing. This case series study presents a protocol where GBR can be performed either simultaneously to papillomavirus intervention laser placement or delayed with this innovative biomaterial to favor bone regrowth.

    Future randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to further validate the bone-promoting potential of atelo-collagen-based biomaterials for bone regeneration.

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