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Human papillomavirus vaccine references, Vaccines Expert Consult: Online and Print


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    Distribuie pe: DESCRIERE Completely revised and updated, this respected reference offers comprehensive and current coverage of every aspect of vaccination—from development to use in reducing disease.

    It provides authoritative information on vaccine production, available preparations, efficacy, and safety…recommendations for vaccine use, with rationales…data on the impact of vaccination programs on morbidity and mortality…and more.

    • Vaccines Expert Consult: Online and Print -
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    And now, a companion web site — new to human papillomavirus vaccine references edition — enables you to conveniently access this unparalleled guidance where and when you need it most.

    Contents Section 1: General aspects of vaccination 1. Plotkin, Human papillomavirus vaccine references L.

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    Plotkin 2. Vaccine Manufacturing, James Robinson 5.

    Diphtheria Toxoid, Melinda Wharton Stoddard, Paul Mendleman Meningococcal Vaccines, Dan M Granoff Poliovirus Vaccine LiveRoland Sutter Smallpox and Vaccinia, Donald A. Henderson, Lu Borio, John Grabenstein Varicella Vaccine, Anne A. Gershon, Michiaki Takahashi, Jane Seward Zoster Vaccine, Myron Levin Combination Vaccines, Michael Decker, H.

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    Bogaerts, K. Edwards Section 3: Vaccines in development and new vaccine strategies Pittman, Stanley Plotkin Cytomegalovirus Vaccine, Stanley Plotkin Jahrling Hepatitis C Vaccine, Michael Houghton Staphylococcus Vaccine, Robert Daum Mary Healy Vectors, Gary Nabel Section 4: Vaccination of special groups Vaccination in the Immunocompromised Host, Per Ljungman Kozarsky, Robert Steffen Immunization in Europe, David Salisbury