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University of Texas M.

Anderson Cancer Center Summary: Over the next 20 years, the number of new cancer cases diagnosed annually in the United States will increase by 45 percent, from 1. Anderson Cancer Center.

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It predicts a 67 percent increase in the number of adults ageor-older diagnosed with cancer, from 1 million in to 1. In non-white individuals over the same year span, the incidence is expected to increase by percent, fromtoAccording to Ben Smith, M. Anderson's Department of Radiation Oncology, the study underscores cancer's growing stress on the U.

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To conduct their research, Smith and his team accessed the United States Census Bureau statistics, updated in to project population growth throughand the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Hpv vaccine how long effective SEER registry, the premier population-based cancer registry representing 26 percent of the country's population. Cancer incidence rates were calculated by multiplying the age, sex, race and origin-specific population projections by the age, sex, race and origin-specific cancer incidence rates.

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The total number of papillomavirus causes the cancer of the cases will increase by 45 percent from 1. With respect to race, a percent increase in cancer is expected for minorities. The rates of cancer in blacks, American Indian-Alaska Native, multi-racial, Asian-Pacific Islanders and Hispanics will increase by 64 percent, 76 percent, percent, hpv vaccine how long effective and percent, respectively.

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Regarding hpv vaccine how long effective findings, Smith and his team found that the leading cancer sites are expected to remain constant - breast, prostate, colon and lung. However, cancer sites with the greatest increase in incidence expected are: stomach 67 percent ; liver 59 viermi anali ; myeloma 57 percent ; pancreas 55 percent ; and bladder 54 percent.

Given these statistics, the role of screening and prevention strategies becomes all hpv vaccine how long effective more vital and should be strongly encouraged, said Smith. In the study, Smith and his team site: vaccinations for hepatitis B and HPV; the chemoprevention agents tamoxifen and raloxifene; interventions for tobacco and alcohol; and removal of pre-malignant lesions, such as colon polyps.

These hpv vaccine how long effective also highlight two issues that must be addressed simultaneously: clinical trial participation and the increasing cost of cancer care. Historically, both older adults and minorities have been under-represented in such studies, and, therefore, vulnerable to sub-optimal cancer treatment.

Simultaneously, over the past decade in particular, the cost of cancer care is growing at a rate that's not sustainable.

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These are two issues that oncologists need to be much hpv vaccine how long effective concerned about and attuned to. For example, according to a workforce assessment hpv vaccine how long effective American Society for Clinical Oncology ASCOthe shortage of medical oncologists will impact the health care system by Smith said ASCO and other professional medical organizations beyond oncology are aware of the problem, and are actively engaged in efforts to try and grow the number of physicians, as well as hpv vaccine how long effective the careers of nurse practitioners and physician assistants who are hpv vaccine how long effective of the continuum of care, to best accommodate the increase in demand forecasted.

  1. Dramatic Growth In Cancer Rates Among US Elderly, Minorities Predicted -- ScienceDaily

There will not be one solution to this problem, but many different issues that need to be addressed to prepare for these changes," said Smith. Anderson authors on the study include: Thomas Hpv vaccine how long effective, M.

Dr. Savoy Explains How She Addresses Side Effects and HPV Vaccine

Arti Hurria, M. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

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