Archive of Clinical Cases

Cancer neuroendocrine tumour


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    As a result, the medical management has been rigorously quantified in terms cancer neuroendocrine tumour clinical-histological characteristics and the invasive tumour stage, the degree of mediastinal lymph node extension and the presence of distant metastases determined with the TNM staging system that is recognised globally The x-ray examination reveals only pathological mediastinal lymph nodes that cause changes of mediastinal margins and the pleural reflection lines.

    The disadvantage of the cancer neuroendocrine tumour x-ray examination is the impossibility to identify the lymph nodes situated within the mediastinum.

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    Also if the lymph nodes are hidden behind other tumour masses existing in the mediastinum, they cannot cancer neuroendocrine tumour discovered at the x-ray examination, which offers little information about the mediastinal structure: vessels, lung, pericardium, pleura, and thoracic cancer neuroendocrine tumour. Due cancer neuroendocrine tumour the possibility to reveal all groups of pathological mediastinal lymph nodes, computed tomography is the first choice examination for the diagnosis of mediastinal adenopathies.

    Besides the traditional, cytological and histopathological cancer neuroendocrine tumour that enable the identification of pulmonary neuroendocrine carcinoma, its malignancy degree and stage, the immunohistochemical methods are very valuable for the assessment of the evolution capacity of pulmonary neoplasia.

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    The lung can be subjected to a large variety of complementary investigations. Keywords: mediastinal lymphadenopathy, broncho-pulmonary neoplasm, pulmonary neuroendocrine tumours, radio-imaging examinations Issue: Volume 67, Number 6.