Laparoendoscopic Surgery

Abdominal cancer treatment

I had plans, things were getting worse and the road that was shown to me was one to a better future, until the moment my nightmare began In The tumor was a abdominal cancer treatment one and there was a risk that it would become worse, and the next day, in I did immediately, after leaving the hospital, treatment with chemotherapy, abdominal cancer treatment terrible, twice a month a chemo abdominal cancer treatment costs eurosand two months away I did the mess of guts having the counter-Nature - Surgical merge of the digestive tube to the previous abdominal wall.

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Another 6 days of nightmare followed, no one was operating on me, thinking I had no chance at life. Surgery succeeded and continued chemo.

Am găsit ceva în timpul operației We found something when we did your surgery

The diagnosis, a cruel one - grade 4 Cancer Advanced with multiple metastases to lymph, bones, lymph nodes. Inthe counter-Nature was closed the surgical merge of the digestive tube to the previous abdominal walland we continue chemo In Januarymy second ovary was extracted, affected by cancer.

Stomach (Gastric) Cancer - Stephanie’s Story

After the surgery, the left kidney was blocked, three surgery for the removal was followed, for the test of the desfundării, without a positive result, and in may came the surgery where the left kidney had to be removed, unable to save. Financial problems have kept me from being able to continue health investigations.

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Two months ago I did the last tests where it was discovered that lymph nodes also affect my remaining kidney and spine. Monthly Treatment is euros, only chemo, post-chemo treatment is also around euros, plus the diet specific to people suffering from this disease.

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The oncologist recommends that I do chemo for at least one year as time, twice a month. I hope the nightmare ends as soon as possible, it is very difficult and I ask for your help on this path.

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Every man deserves a chance abdominal cancer treatment life. Thank you in advance.

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Donations can also be abdominal cancer treatment directly through bank transfer in the following bank accounts: Ron Account iban code :.